Fingal 7214 Kayaks
No matter if you are after fishing or recreational kayaks in Fingal you have come to the right place. We can deliver (for an extra cost) to Fingal 7214 from our Melbourne Fishing Kayaks Shop. Just because our prices are affordable doesn't mean we offer any less quality then big brands. We use plastic imported from UK and treat each kayak with UV protectant. Since the start our focus has been to produce quality kayaks at reasonable prices. We make similar if not superior kayaks then big stores out there and offer them at price that most people can afford. For your piece of mind before you purchase please read reviews from our past customers, you can find hundereds of them on Facebook and Google. And just so you know we also acccept Zippay and Aferpay.
Read MorePurchased the Gen 10mk2. Very happy with the rode of the kayak. Rudder system has a bit to be desired tho. Doesn't really affect me as will be installing a trolling motor in place of it. Aside from that seems like a well built kayak and fit for purpose. - Nenad Rodic
Great kayak, great price, can't go wrong. Even elves love them :-) - Paul Trappitt
Fantastic communication throughout the whole process and awesome after purchase service. Got hubby off the lounge! What more could you want?

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