Bamaga Kayaks
No matter if you are after fishing or recreational kayaks in Bamaga you have come to the right place. You can have our kayaks shipped to Bamaga 4876 (for an extra cost), or pick them up from our Brisbane Single & Tandem Kayaks Factory Outlet. Just because our prices are affordable doesn't mean we offer any less quality then big brands. We use plastic imported from UK and treat each kayak with UV protectant. Since the start our focus has been to produce quality kayaks at reasonable prices. We make similar if not superior kayaks then big stores out there and offer them at price that most people can afford. For your piece of mind before you purchase please read reviews from our past customers, you can find hundereds of them on Facebook and Google. You can also pay via Afterpay or Zippay.
Read MoreLove our NextGen9 and Osprey!! Very well designed for both fishing and general recreation, and stable in the water. Great quality, and they’ve thought of everything if you want to add accessories to it.Purchasing and customer service support was excellent and so easy. Thoroughly recommend them to anyone. - Dennis Phomsouvanh
Easy to order a Nexgen 9 fishing kayak and ended up coming about a week earlier than first said. Weight is good to lift and is easy to use. Quite stable for size. Very happy with it. Thanks - Mark
Absolutely love the kayak wouldn’t go anywhere else for my kayak needs. Best place put there. - Lachlan Talbot
Excellent service, keeping the customer in the loop with any updates regarding our order, efficient and helpful service when collect our kayak from the warehouse. - Ashleigh Mitchell
I recently bought NEXTGEN 10 MKII Bora Bora and it does exactly what is outlined in the product description. It tracks well, easily stays balanced and moves with ease. It’s good fun when used on the George’s River and transports is easy. - Ron

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