Melrose 5483 Kayaks
No matter if you are after fishing or recreational kayaks in Melrose you have come to the right place. You can have our kayaks shipped to Melrose 5483 (for an extra cost), or pick them up from our Adelaide Fishing Kayaks Factory Store. Each kayak is manufactured under strict quality supervision. We also treat our kayaks with UV protectant to maintain the colours and strength for a long time. Since the start our focus has been to produce quality kayaks at reasonable prices. We make similar if not superior kayaks then big stores out there and offer them at price that most people can afford. We recommend you to check out reviews from our past customers before you decide to purchase so you know you are buying a genuine top quality kayak at affordable price. And just so you know we also acccept Zippay and Aferpay.
Read MoreSturdy, fun and easy to use. Ours is the two-person kayak. Has a bit of weight in it but worth the effort. Husband and I love it and it has been great for spending time with our grandkiddos as well. Happy with the efficiency of Kayaks2fish. Good value and easy, no fuss pick up. - Linda F
Ordered a Next Gen 9 Kayak from Kayaks2Fish. Communication was amazing, the kayak arrived early & it's been brilliant so far. I upgraded as my old kayak easily filled with water. This one handles rough conditions with me staying totally dry, it's super comfy & I'm able to stand up on it too! Nice and sturdy! Awesome product! - Kym Röbey
Great products and prices together with excellent after sales support. - Andrew Paterson
Really love my Next Gen 11.5 it was everything I had hoped for the design and features are amazing. Extremely stable too. - Peter ratcliff
Very happy with my nextgen MKll plenty of room and I am quite tall, very stable on the water and very comfortable I spend about 3 hrs in it every time. - Aaron

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